Working alone

Protection for people working alone
User interface of the lone worker alarm app on smartphone with emergency options and silent alarm function

e‑mergency ensures permanent safety when working alone thanks to immediate alarms and clear instructions in the event of an emergency.

User interface of the lone worker alarm app on smartphone with emergency options and silent alarm function
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Functions for people working alone

Functions for optimum lone worker protection

Automatic timer alarm
Pfeil nach rechts

With the timer function and the option of silent alarm triggering, e-mergency offers inconspicuous but effective protection for lone working.

App for lone worker security system with silent alarm functions
Discreet alarm via alarm button
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With our mobile LoRaWAN alarm button, people working alone trigger an alarm inconspicuously, even if the smartphone is out of range.

Illustration of an alarm button, used for emergency notifications in crisis situations
Useful assistance
Pfeil nach rechts

The e‑mergency app offers lone workers quick access to instructions and simple alerts in the event of accidents.

Intuitive instructions displayed in the emergency app on a smartphone
App for lone worker security system with silent alarm functions
Illustration of an alarm button, used for emergency notifications in crisis situations
Intuitive instructions displayed in the emergency app on a smartphone

Ready for modern security? Experience e‑mergency in action

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Customer Success Manager from e‑mergency makes a consultative phone call in a quiet office environment
Customer Success Manager from e‑mergency makes a consultative phone call in a quiet office environment
Convenient and discreet

Lone worker protection at the touch of a button

Instant connection

Security even at a distance

The LoRaWAN emergency button from e‑mergency establishes a reliable and energy-saving connection to protect people working alone in any environment.

Direct emergency call

Alarm at the touch of a button

At the touch of a button, the e‑mergency LoRaWAN emergency button sends an alarm via the robust low-power network to initiate rapid assistance.

Discreet alerting

Unobtrusive and effective

The LoRaWAN alarm button enables silent and immediate alerting, ideal for situations where discretion is required without sacrificing the safety of lone workers.

Frequently asked questions

The battery of the LoRaWAN emergency call button has a service life of over 9 years if the alarm is triggered several times a day, thus offering a long-term safety solution.

The LoRaWAN emergency call button uses Swisscom's LPN (Low Power Network), which currently covers 97 percent of the Swiss population and is being continuously expanded.

In buildings with weak network coverage, additional LoRaWAN gateways can be installed to amplify the signal and thus ensure reliable alarm transmission.

When the LoRaWAN emergency button is pressed, a predefined alarm message is immediately sent to your team with the current location. If you cannot be reached by your team members, they escalate the alarm to the emergency services.

Yes, each LoRaWAN emergency button can be configured individually so that a specific message is sent to a defined group of people when the button is pressed.

Ready for modern security? Experience e‑mergency in action

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Customer Success Manager from e-mergency conducts a consultative phone call in a quiet office environment
Customer Success Manager from e-mergency conducts a consultative phone call in a quiet office environment