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Crisis management at schools

Safe crisis management: tested emergency app for schools

Foto von Nino
Nino Orlando CEO
Nino Orlando

Crisis management at schools: a proven solution for difficult times

Dealing with delinquent pupils and threatening scenarios is a challenge that no school can ignore. Dagmar Rösler, President of the Swiss Federation of Teachers, recently emphasized in an interview with Blick that no school today can do without a crisis concept. Incidents such as threats or violent behavior among students require a quick and well-coordinated response in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved and avoid escalation.

The challenge for schools: managing crises safely

As Rösler points out in the Blick interview, schools are increasingly confronted with complex crisis situations that require swift action. It's not just about the safety of pupils and teachers, but also about trust in the school system. If those responsible are unable to react quickly and decisively, this can have long-term consequences for the climate at the school and the well-being of the entire school community.

«Notfall-App for schools»: an established solution for Swiss schools

In this context, e-mergency AG offers a tried-and-tested solution that is already being used successfully throughout Switzerland. Our emergency app for schools is specially designed to support schools in dealing with crisis situations. With our app, schools can respond quickly and efficiently to threats, coordinate crisis teams and take the right measures to ensure everyone's safety.

The advantages of the emergency app for schools lie in its flexibility and adaptability to the specific needs of each school. It provides a central platform through which all relevant information can be exchanged in real time and enables all parties involved to be alerted quickly. This allows schools to act proactively instead of just reacting to events.

Proof of concept: Successful application in Eastern Switzerland

A recent example from eastern Switzerland shows that our solution is already being used successfully. As the Tagblatt article reports, the vocational schools in Rorschach and Altstätten were recently confronted with threatening phone calls that led to a large-scale police operation. This absolute crisis situation illustrates the importance of a well thought-out and practicable crisis concept.

In this situation, the emergency app for schools was able to fully demonstrate its strengths. The rapid coordination and alerting provided by our app helped to bring the situation under control. This experience shows that there is already a functioning solution for such scenarios - and it is also available to other schools.


Get to know the tried-and-tested emergency app for schools in a non-binding product demonstration:

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Image source:: 
Sources: Blick-Interview, Tagblatt-Artikel